Shoutout City

In this post, I’d like to make some shoutouts.

I will do some more shoutouts as this blog progresses. If any of you homies do any public blogging of any kind, let me know! I am not aware!


Screen Shot 2016-07-20 at 1.39.50 PM.pngMy buddy Keaton has been starting up a pretty cool Medium blog of his own. I think his writing style is better than mine and he talks about some pretty interesting topics.

You can check his blog here.


Screen Shot 2016-07-20 at 1.40.59 PM.pngCasual gamers out there looking for community, I was showed the site and found a lot of success and fun interacting with the community there. The vibes are definitely tuned for casual social gamers. They recently got bought out by a much larger company but claim to still strive for the community they are building.


More shoutouts will come later. Heck I even made a category called “shoutout.” You can say I’m all in.

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