My Pet Peeves pArT 2

From the makers that brought you “My Pet Peeves” (Part 1) in April, I bring you a list of 10 more things that wrestle my jimmies and then tackle and grapple them. These aren’t a list of things that obviously make a normal human upset, like misquoting Sagacawea or misspelling the very same word by switching the g and c. These are the ticks that make my back go straight and my cat like eyebrows frazzle into a puddle of angst.

The first series went so well even though I was worried my friends would abuse my honesty but it turns out they abused me enough anyway so nothing new was learned. While I don’t promise these unnamed hooligans new content, I do wish them a happy time as you are reminded of why you love me dearly. As Dubya once said, “There’s an old saying in Tennessee. I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee, that says: fool me once, shame on you. Fool me.. you can’t get fooled again.”

In order of the way numbers go!

11.) Autoplaying ads

12.) When you go to put the toilet seat cover down and it auto-flushes and gets the cover all wet

13.3 repeating) Thirds don’t come out to a clean percent

14.) Residue from stickers like tape (screw you Carmax)

15.) When you pay for a drink with no refills and it is full of ice

16.) When I’m walking along the side of a street that I need to cross but I don’t look out because I know there’s one car that’s coming up and I don’t want to inconvenience the car by crossing at that moment but they sense that I might want to cross at some point so they stop to wait for me to cross even though I’m not even motioning in the slightest to cross, forcing me to eventually admit defeat and cross the street while the car is still waiting, resulting in me usually walking more out of my way than I wanted and overall making the car wait super long

17.) When I go to a microwave with leftover time

18.) Self checkout machines in grocery stores that flip out when you put a bag in the bagging area

19.) Food in bed ( boose…. 😡 . . .)

20.) Websites with lists (ie. top 10) where each entry is a separate web page instead of on the same page (example)

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